The plaintiff was represented by Yelena Kofman-Delgado, Esq. of Vlasac & Shmaruk, LLC who was able to settle the claim for a total of $240,000 for a driver rear ended by a motor vehicle.

On or about July 9, 2019, Plaintiff was the driver of a motor vehicle traveling on Route 46 East in the City of Ridgefield. Plaintiff was stopped in traffic when the defendant carelessly and recklessly failed to stop and rear-ended plaintiff’s vehicle. Plaintiff claimed an exacerbation of a prior injury from a prior motor vehicle accident. The Plaintiff underwent a cervical epidural steroid injection and a spinal surgery.

Yelena Kofman-Delgado, Esq. is pleased to have been able to obtain this recovery on behalf of our client. If you or someone you care about has been a victim of someone’s negligence which caused personal injury, please do not hesitate to call one of our experienced personal injury attorneys at Vlasac & Shmaruk.